

Where Everything Smells Good

Picture Perfect Classes: A Look at Atelier Table Rouge's Workshops

Recipe Corner


Chocolate Truffles

3 cups semi- sweet chocolate chips (525 g)
1 1/2 cups heavy cream (350 ml)

1 cup cocoa powder(120 g) colorful sprinkles including coconut, chocolate, or melted chocolate

1. In a medium-sized pan, combine semisweet chocolate chips and heavy cream over low heat, mix until you achieve a smooth consistency.
2. Pour mixture into a bread pan.
3.  Allow to sit in refrigerator for 1 hour or until mixture is solid.
4. With an ice cream scoop, form balls from the mixture (refreeze if truffle begins to melt).
5. Roll in cocoa powder for topping.
6. Enjoy!

(Courtesy of Cook N Go)

Potato Gnocchi

(Makes 4 servings)

For the gnocchi:
• 2 lbs potatoes (approximately 4-6 potatoes)
• 3-4 cups all-purpose flour
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 2 eggs

Peel the potatoes and boil in a large pot of salted water until tender. Once the potatoes are done, drain well. On a clean surface, pass the potatoes through a potato ricer. The potatoes should be light and fluffy unlike the consistency of mashed potatoes.

Surround the potatoes with 3 cups of flour. Make a well in the centre of the mound, add the eggs and salt and beat lightly. Begin to form a dough by stirring the flour into the potato/egg mixture until you have a dough which is not sticky. Add flour as needed. Do not over work the dough as it should be light and airy.

On a lightly floured surface, cut off a piece of the dough and begin to roll into a long rope of approximately 1 cm in diameter. Lightly dust your hands with flour and using the palms of your hands and your fingertips, exert a light pressure on the dough and roll from the centre outwards to form an even shaped rope.

Cut the rope into 1 inch pieces and form an indentation in each gnocchi by pressing down with your finger tip and lightly rolling the gnocchi.  This will help the gnocchi to catch the sauce.  Place gnocchi on a baking dish lightly dusted with flour to prevent from sticking.  Repeat with the remaining dough.

Once the gnocchi are ready they can be frozen. Place the individual baking sheets in the freezer and when the gnocchi are frozen, remove from the pan and place in freezer bags. They do not need to be thawed before cooking.
Alternately, if cooking right away, bring a large pot of salted boiling water to a boil.  Add gnocchi and stir.  When they rise to the surface, drain well and add tomato sauce.  Serve hot topped with Parmesan cheese.

(Courtesy of Mangia Bedda)